Date: 2 May 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 5:1-5

Several kinds of complaints were heard. Identify them.

As we gather as a church in prayer tonight, do rally together to seek God for his direction and guidance for us into the next 10-20 years.

Date: 1 May 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 5:1

\”Great outcry\” refers to protests especially when under oppression. In Ex 3:9, the Israelites uttered a similar cry against the Egyptians. Yet this was not against any oppression. What were they protesting against?

For the church to be rebuilt, it is not just a reference to the buildings but more so to our lives in the Lord. Do pray that we will walk closely with God daily.

Date: 30 Apr 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 5:1-19

Read through the chapter once and note the leadership skills of Nehemiah.

Let’s be thankful to God for ORPC leaders. Pray for them as they give of their time and efforts to serve in their capacities; they are also in need of wisdom, guidance, encouragement and spiritual sensitivities.

Date: 28 Apr 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 4:15-23

Work resumes with some standing guard while others doubling their efforts. It was a picture of watchfulness, of perseverance, and of passionate service.

Let’s prepare our hearts and minds prayerfully as we gather for worship tomorrow.

Date: 27 Apr 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 4:7-14

When more opposition comes, the key to confidence is in prayer (v10) and in knowing who is behind the task. No matter how discouraging the opposition might be, they would not prevail.

Pray for the camp committee as they work through the registration and prepare for a meaningful gathering of learning and bonding for all campers.

Date: 26 Apr 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 4:6

Focus, perseverance and determination are keys to success.These stem from the deep desire the people had based on their relationship with God. What may we learn from this?

Remember our teachers (SS, SG leaders, YM/YAM Bible study leaders, etc.) in prayers as they prepare for their classes; that God will work in them to bring out God’s truth in their students’ minds to affect change in their hearts and lives.