Date: 18 Apr 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 2:4

In between Nehemiah’s conversation with king Artaxerxes, he was having another conversation with God the King.  What does this teach us about our prayer life?

 M&E Committee meets tonight with a number of strategic involvements in missions.  Do keep them in prayer for wisdom and courage both in decision-making and in implementation of missions initiatives for God’s glory. Pray too for the Worship Committee to have a fruitful and Spirit-led meeting.


Date: 17 Apr 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 2:3

God places us in strategic positions to be used to share His concerns and love.  Where has God placed you for this strategic involvement?  What are you doing about it?

Let’s remember the participants at the Membership Class as they are being prepared for a deeper commitment and walk in their relationship with God.


Date: 16 Apr 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 2:1-2

Nehemiah’s sadness gave him away: it was a risk going against his positive and joyous demeanour in his duty.  Should he hide his feelings and pretend all’s well?

How should we identify with people who are downtrodden by suppressive societal policies?


Date: 14 Apr 2012

Passage: Ephesians 2:22

Let us truly learn the significance of this: “being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.”

Date: 13 Apr 2012

Passage: Ephesians 2:19-21

What does knowing that we are no longer “strangers and aliens” mean to our service within the body of Christ?


Date: 12 Apr 2012

Passage: Ephesians 2:16-18

Christ puts to death the hostility of our disobedience to bring us back to God; how may that help you to tear down walls in reaching out to people who may seem to you most undeserving of God’s grace?