Date: 9 May 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 8:10-12

What happened when the people truly understand the Scriptures (vv9-12 cf. Deut 16:14)?

Pray as the Board meets this evening that God be present to lead and guide. Pray for Eld Harold Or as he convenes the meeting.

Date: 8 May 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 8:4-9

How did the people first respond to the book of the Law of Moses (vv3,5,6,9)? How do you account for this response?

Pray for one another as we struggle to keep our daily spiritual disciplines and as we witness to an unbelieving world watching us in our homes, schools and workplaces.

Date: 7 May 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 8:1-3

Why do you suppose that it took 13 years from 458B.C. until this great assembly in 445B.C. for Ezra to fully and publicly proclaim the truth of the law?

Give thanks for God blessing ORPC in so many ways. Pray that we may be faithful to His calling and not run the race in vain and that in all areas of our lives, Christ may be given the first place (Col 1:18).

Date: 5 May 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 6

Read ahead in Nehemiah 6 about the obstacles Nehemiah had to face as the wall is finally rebuilt.

Let’s uphold one another in prayer as we prepare our hearts and minds as well as our physical bodies to gather for worship tomorrow.

Date: 4 May 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 5:14-19

Nehemiah’s integrity and sacrificial attitude had been a great example. Yet, he reiterated in v15 that it was \”because of the fear of God\” and in v19 \”done for this people.\”

Remember the couples preparing for marriage at the Marriage Prep Class that God will nurture their love for God and for each other as they learn about the commitments and responsibilities of married life.

Date: 3 May 2012

Passage: Nehemiah 5:6-13

Nehemiah’s response revealed his heart’s truest feelings against accusations on his integrity. What may we learn from his action?

Pray for those amongst us who are caregivers at home to home-bound, the sick and the aged. Pray for patience, love and passion to abound as they minister.