TO KNOW GOD AND TO MAKE GOD KNOWN is not solely an individual affair, but a collective one arising from the communal nature of church (the Body of Christ). We cannot be united as one Body while also remaining anonymous and inactive. The church community also has a responsibility to support the healthy growth of each part of the Body – and this cannot be done if the parts are unknown.

In ORPC, Christians come together in small groups to study the Bible together, to encourage each other as we struggle with the tension between the Word and the world, to cheer each other on as we grow in Christ-likeness, to serve together in demonstration of the unity of the Body of Christ.

Join a discipleship group, grow in our community, and take part in the work of growing others in community! Below is a list of current small groups across Central, East and West Singapore. To enquire about joining, please fill in the form below and we will get in touch.


Small Group NameMeeting Day / TimeSmall Group Leader(s)
ARCvariableDebbie Siah
ORP2F2nd/4th Wednesdays, 8pmGia Templonuevo, Don Magkawas
BS4WThursdays 10amIrene Goh
New Thursday Group1st/3rd Thursdays, 7pmKay Swee Tuan, Gina Chan
OrchardAlternate Thursdays, 8pmGan Keng Swee
SOTE Bishan1st/3rd Fridays, 8pmPang Siok Lim
H10:252nd/4th Fridays, 8pmAlicia Yeo
YA22nd/4th Fridays, 7:30pmHannah Cheng
Salt and Light2nd/4th Saturdays, 3pmLee Geok Suan
YA12nd/4th Saturdays, 3pmChin Suxian, Melissa Luki
Seekers 1Sundays, 11:15amSo Mun Yee
Evening ClassSundays, 3pmLim Chung Wei
Hosanna-Noah’s Ark1st/3rd Sundays, 11:30amRegina Tan
Seekers 21st/3rd Sundays, 11:30amTan Chor Suan
FIG31st/3rd Sundays, 1:30pmChung Lai Hong
Family1st/3rd Sundays, 2pmLily Tan
SOTE SW1st/3rd Sundays, 2pmPang Siok Lim
Evening BS1st/3rd Sundays, 3pmEvelyn Koh, Valerie Ng


Small Group NameMeeting Day / TimeSmall Group Leader(s)
Discipleship 1st/3rd Fridays, 7:30pmHarold Or
Friday2nd/4th Fridays, 8pmPaul Johnson
Mustard SeedvariableIrene Goh
Elijah2nd Saturdays, 10amRoger Lee
Lighthouse1st/3rd Sundays, 12:30pmPeh Aik Hui
Living Stones1st/3rd Sundays, 1pmCheng Chee Chian


Small Group NameMeeting Day / TimeSmall Group Leader(s)
TWG2nd/4th Tuesdays, 7:30pmTang Yew Chung
FortAlternate Thursdays, 8:30pmOng Whee Teck
Bukit Timah1st/3rd Fridays, 7:45pmPatrick Chow
Galatians1st/3rd Fridays, 7:30pmTony Puah
Mt 19:142nd/4th Saturdays, 9amBenjamin Ong

Bible for All (BFA) materials are available for download:

   November 2023
   October 2023
   September 2023
   August 2023
   July 2023

Older BFA material can be found here.

to join a Discipleship group