Biblical Basis
The church exists to make known Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord of the world. Therefore, ORPC is committed to missions and evangelism in obedience to the specific command of our Lord Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations…” (Mt. 28:19) (known also as the “Great Commission”). In the power of the Holy Spirit, ORPC shall be His witness “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
.Go and make disciples of all nations….
Matthew 28:19
- We recognise that ORPC would not exist and that none of us would be Christians if not for the willingness of those believers before us to be God’s witnesses to the world. So we recognise our responsibility to continue this work and be God’s witnesses in Singapore and to the world.
- “Under God, our vision is to be a church that extends God’s kingdom through effective outreach, mentoring and making disciples”.
There are 4 areas of focus

Local Ministry
Outreach Services ORPC regularly and intentionally holds Sunday worship services with an increased outreach emphasis. Worshippers are encouraged to invite their non-Christian friends and family to these services where the gospel is presented faithfully, clearly and simply through the messages. Community Outreach We have several different community programs: For enquiries or to volunteer, please contact…
Overseas Missions
Mission Fields & Partners
Supported Missionaries
ORPC is currently supporting 6 missionaries. A summary of what each of them do is found here. Please click on their names for more information about each of them. If you wish to know more about our missionaries or if you are interested in exploring work in this field or support them in other ways, please contact us.
Missions Education
Training for Discipleship Here in ORPC, we wish to Journey with you one step at a time. What did Jesus do? Why do we need him? How can we trust him? What is the Bible about? How then shall we live? We invite you on a faith journey with us. There are 3 Discipleship Courses…
Banner Ministry
Mission The mission of the Banner Ministry is to broadcast the Word of God to the public, bringing to their attention: Mode The Banner Ministry leverages on the strategic location of the church to display a large canvas banner to share God’s Word to passersby. The design of the banner will change monthly. Each time,…