Date: 13 Jun 2012
Passage: 1 Samuel 1:17-20
What was it that gave Hannah almost immediate comfort after praying intensely? How was the naming of Samuel significant to her?
Pray for those who are on holidays that they will be good Christian witnesses wherever they are, and to be wise as they seek various enjoyment.
Date: 12 Jun 2012
Passage: 1 Samuel 1:9-16
What did Hannah do in her bitterness and distress? Was her request for a son a sort of wager with God?
Pray for our children who are on vacation during the month that they will get much needed rest and recreation even as some are intensely preparing for major examinations in the new school terms.
Date: 11 Jun 2012
Passage: 1 Samuel 1:1-8
What life-situation made Hannah a very sad woman? Did she not have a loving husband and a living relationship with her God?
Pray for various mission trippers serving in Japan right now: Kexin (WEC); Nari, Serene, Danielle, Yukiha (EPMC-Crash Japan).
Date: 9 Jun 2012
Passage: Philippians 4:6-7
What does Paul encourage Christians to do when they pray?
Give thanks for the Church Camp that ends today. Pray that the lessons learnt will be applied, and for the safe return of participants from Batam.
Date: 8 Jun 2012
Passage: Genesis 18:33
God and Abraham parted after an engaging conversation. What does it take for Abraham to accept God’s answer?
Pray for the Crash Japan team as they serve the needy in Christ’s love.
Date: 7 Jun 2012
Passage: Genesis 18:22-32
From the consistent answers from God to Abraham, what can we deduce about God’s character? (cf. v25)
Intercede for those who suffer unjustly because of religious, political, and socio-economic evils. Seek God’s justice for the innocent and the wicked.