Date: 6 Jun 2012
Passage: Genesis 18:22-32
How will you describe Abraham’s relationship with God? What can you learn from his attitude towards intercession?
Uphold those who are disappointed with God because of unanswered or negative answers to their prayers. Pray that they may continue to trust God.
Date: 5 Jun 2012
Passage: Genesis 18:20-21
Why is it necessary for the LORD to personally visit Sodom and Gomorrah? What can you deduce about God’s holiness?
Pray for our newly received communicant members to grow as disciples, battling sins in their lives and giving themselves sacrificially to service.
Date: 4 Jun 2012
Passage: Genesis 18:16-19
What has God chosen Abraham to do? What can you deduce about God’s character from his intention?
Thank God for the successful election of Rev Dr Graham Ng and all leadership candidates. Pray for them as they prepare to serve their offices.
Date: 2 Jun 2012
Passage: Nehemiah 13:23-31
What made intermarrying with non-Jew so wicked? What example of this did Nehemiah make of Solomon and Joiada’s son (vv26-29)?
Pray as we prepare our hearts for the Lord’s Day that we may seek to use His providence well, extending His rule through us, loving Him and others.
Date: 1 Jun 2012
Passage: Nehemiah 13:15-22
What made the \”keeping of the Sabbath day\” so important? What made Sabbath reform necessary?
Thank God for the funds raised through the flowercrafts by the elderly at Sarah Senior Activities Centre (SAC). Pray for the elderly there and in Evergreen Circle that they may find joy in their activities and opportunities to know Christ.
Date: 31 May 2012
Passage: Nehemiah 13:1-14
Why did Nehemiah act against Tobiah the way he did (vv8-9)? What made it necessary for him to rectify the \”neglect of God’s house\” (vv9-13)?
Pray that this month’s street banner will challenge passers-by regarding their sense of self-sufficiency and encourage them to seek help from the Lord.