Date: 27 Jun 2012
Passage: Acts 4:5-10
By what power and what name did Peter and John speak to the people in Jerusalem? What evidence stood in their favour?
Date: 26 Jun 2012
Passage: Acts 4:4
The growth in five thousand believers harvested in one day is magnificent. Is this our local church growth experience today? Why or why not?
Date: 25 Jun 2012
Passage: Acts 4:1-3
What was exactly offensive to the Jewish religious leaders? Is the message of Peter and John still offensive to people today? How?
Date: 23 Jun 2012
Passage: Habakkuk 2:4
Was God blind and deaf to Habakkuk’s situation? What did God demand of the righteous in situations of injustice?
Pray that we may live by faith in God’s promises and not by our myopic sight.
Date: 22 Jun 2012
Passage: Habakkuk 1:14-17
What attributes of the wicked did Habakkuk also recognise in his prayer? Do you struggle with similar wickedness today?
Pray for disenfranchised people in our society that they may not be drawn towards devious and destructive means to meet their ends.
Date: 21 Jun 2012
Passage: Habakkuk 1:12-13
What attributes of God did Habakkuk recognise in his prayer? Why did he struggle to reconcile his situation with God’s character?
Pray for areas in your work where you are faced with constant temptation to exercise partiality and play politics. Ask God to help you to be courageous to act otherwise.