Pastoral Message (Page 62)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

The Purpose of Remembering

By Not Known There are many events of significance in life that can and should be celebrated.  They range from moving into a new home to having a new job or career or welcoming a new birth.  These significant milestones mark changes or progress in life.  Celebrations are in place to remember the occasion that…

We Are The Body

By Not Known The human body is an amazing creation. Here are just five amazing facts about it. Fact 1: The lungs contain over 300,000 million capillaries (tiny blood vessels). If they were laid from end to end, they would stretch 2,400km. Fact 2: The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. Fact…

Wounded Healers

By Not Known As I started to make visitation rounds, I was touched when members that we had visited were helped.  Often, a question would be asked by those in need, “How do I cope with the suffering?” What do we do with the sufferings of those we care about? How do we deal with…

Not a Performance

By Not Known As Christians the highlight of our week is corporate worship. So many people put so much time and effort into preparing for our services. The worship leader has to prepare his/her prayers as well as the transitional statements. They have to dress up for the occasion, and also be in the right…

I Promise

By Not Known Promises are made every day by many people in many places and on various occasions. Couples promise to marry and stay faithfully married till death separates them. Contractors promise their clients to deliver what they have been contracted to do on time. Children promise their parents never to misbehave again. But we…

Another Gospel?

By Not Known Paul reserved some of his strongest language used in the Bible for his Letter to the Galatians: But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a Gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned (1:8).  Then repeating in 1:9: If anybody is preaching…

Faith and Experience

By Not Known Some people claim Rene Descartes’ words, “I think therefore I am” to prove their existence.  Others reiterate “I feel therefore I am” to affirm that feelings are just as important. We need thinkers as much as we need to be emotionally stable to function well.  Some would assert that we must always…

Telling Your Story

By Not Known Each of us has a story to tell. Scripture informs us that our story is one of transformation; from old to new, from darkness into light, and from death to life. It is a story of who we were before we ‘met’ Christ, and of our journey that led us to Him.…

Appreciating Multicultural Diversity

By Not Known During his National Day Rally speech, our Prime Minister urged Singaporeans and newcomers to work at integration, saying “We may be a small island but we cannot be small minded…we must also be a caring, generous and decent people.” He also urged us to have a heart for our fellow human beings. …

By Not Known Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, How excited I am to be writing this message to all of you! I feel blessed that God has called me here to minister to and alongside so many wonderful people! My faith journey has molded the person I am today.  I believed in Christ since…