Pastoral Message (Page 44)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

We Care For Each Other As A Community

By Not Known “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need” Rom 12:13 When we read the New Testament, we will find a number of biblical images to describe God’s church. They are: The people of God, The body of Christ, The bride of Christ, The building of God, The Kingdom of God, The…

Serve Him

By Not Known I met some of my old church friends a couple of years ago. We used to be in the same church during our growing-up years and actively served in the youth ministry together. We continued serving enthusiastically for many years even until we were in the adults worship service. However, I was…

Servants of God – Upsize or Regular?

By Not Known Christians are often identified in the church by their titles, offices, and functions, e.g. He is our Reverend; that one is an Elder; he is the Committee Chairman; she is our Music Director; those are our regular worshippers and ordinary members. Such identifications invariably affect how we relate to one another in…

Strength and Courage

By Not Known What do you find yourself often praying for each day? What do you often need yet find lacking in your life? Do you ever ask God for strength? Do you need courage in your present situation? In difficult times in our life, do we find ourselves often crippled or plagued by fear…

Unanswered Questions

By Not Known As we come to the end of our study on the book of Daniel, some of us may find that there are still many unanswered questions. Do we need all the answers at this point? What will it do even if we have them? The big question really for us is how…

People Need The Lord

By Not Known Recently, I came to know a couple (married for ten years) who is about to be divorced. The husband is involved with another woman and gambling. The wife is suffering great pain with insomnia and feelings of betrayal and deep disappointment. The children hated their dad and cried for attention. How do…

Be Beautiful (Psalm 139)

By Not Known Some countries believe that a beautiful face opens up opportunities for a better future so their citizens invest in plastic surgeries. We can change our outward appearances but how do we improve our inner beauty? The Daily Examen is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order…

The Exquisite Prayer of Daniel (9:1-17)

By Not Known A careful study on the Word of God caused Daniel to turn to the Lord God and to plead with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. The portions of God’s Word carefully studied by Daniel were most probably Jeremiah 25:11-12 and 29:10-11, which mentioned the seventy…

Lessons from Relays

By Not Known The memorable Rio Olympics had come and gone.  It was made more memorable because our nation took home a gold.  But for me, it was even more memorable when I watched the 4x100m relay races.  I remembered this event well; for as a school boy, the memory when we set the combined…

Do Not Conform; Be Transformed!

By Not Known Recently, Pokemon Go (a mobile game app described as a “free-to-play, location-based augmented reality game”) was launched. This has viralled into a global craze of over 20 million daily users, with the app designers reporting earnings of over USD$200 million in revenue, with an average of USD$10 million a day. In Singapore,…