Discipling Women for God’s Kingdom
To EQUIP women to grow in spiritual maturity through regular Christian fellowship and training
To ENCOURAGE women to discover and use their God-given gifts for service in God’s kingdom and the community
To SUPPORT women focussing on the promises of God
To SHARE the gospel of Christ with women and the community
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised
proverbs 30:31
Core ministry
M2w connect
Our goal is to bring women together to encourage and support one another in her growth as woman of God.

We hope to deepen relationships and trusting environment where we are able to promote learning, fellowship and sharing. Some of activities are:
- Talks/Seminars – to equip women in the ministry of God’s kingdom
- Retreat and outings – a time of renewal and refreshing and building relationship
M2W Studies
Our Goal is to grow together in our knowledge and understanding of God’s Word

Through topical (short term) bible study and book groups, we hope to nurture and equip women to mature in Christ and to become His disciples and encourage women to be part of a small group.
M2W care and prayer
..Carry each other’s burdens and in this way, you will fulfill the law
Galations 6:2

Our goal is to equip women to bear the burdens of the kingdom and show love to others.
Our Care Corner team is present to support women through prayer and intercession and provide care for women focussing on the promises of God.
Occasional workshops and talks are organised to equip women in counselling, care giving and praying.
M2W Outreach
She opens her hands to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy
proverbs 21:30
Food Fair Morning Coffee from Snack Corner We love Food Fair! Mission Shop
Our goal is to engage women in the work of the kingdom and service
Through the activities below we provide channels for women to contribute, engage and support the Mission & Evangelism Ministry.
- Sunday Breakfast Corner and Mission shop – to supply welcome packs to new theological students of TTC, SBC and others
- Mission shop – to sponsor the purchase of bibles for churches and 3rd world countries
- Special projects