Daily Readings (Page 357)

1 Peter

Date: 5 Oct 2012

Passage: 1 Peter

If you were to build a spiritual house from the living stones in your small group, where would each member be positioned (as walls, roof, telephone line, etc.) to realise his or her gifts?  How does this fit who you are in Christ?                

1 Peter

Date: 4 Oct 2012

Passage: 1 Peter

How does it make you feel to be chosen, to be royal, and God’s possession?(v9) When is it most difficult to remember what God has made you? 

1 Peter 2:9-10

Date: 2 Oct 2012

Passage: 1 Peter 2:9-10

How would you re-word in practical terms what Peter meant by his pictures in vv5 and 9?  In what ways would it be difficult for Peter’s readers to think of themselves in these terms?