Date: 30 Mar 2011

Passage: James 5:7-8

Why do you think James begins vv7-11 with “Be patient” as he speaks of the Lord’s coming (cf. vv1-6)?        

Date: 29 Mar 2011

Passage: James 5:4-6

How caring have we been towards the world now that it has become a global village?  In what ways can we avoid exploitation of poorer and needier people in today’s increasingly globalised economy?

Date: 28 Mar 2011

Passage: James 5:1-3

Not withstanding the particular context of rich people abusing their position, what warnings regarding wealth should we heed here?


Date: 26 Mar 2011

Passage: James 4:17

Is there anything that we know we ought to do but have failed to do it?  Ask for courage for us to deal with our sins of omission.

Date: 25 Mar 2011

Passage: James 4:13-16

How does this relate to your plans for the future?  How do you specifically involve God in your planning? 

Date: 24 Mar 2011

Passage: James 4:11-12

How do we usurp God’s sole prerogative “as Lawgiver and Judge” when we speak against our brothers and judge them?