Date: 13 Apr 2011
Passage: Ephesians 1:15-21
Paul’s earnest prayer is that the church may have grateful hearts that spring from their relationship with God. For what are you thankful today?
Date: 12 Apr 2011
Passage: Philippians 2:5-11
How would you describe Christ’s attitude in this passage? Do you need help with this attitude as you face your day?
Date: 11 Apr 2011
Passage: Psalm 31:9-18
When were you in great sorrow? It is when you are in great need for comfort that you are also in need of God to renew your strength.
Date: 9 Apr 2011
Passage: James 5:13-20
James helps us to look at various sinful practices in life and offered solutions to them. Reflect on how as a godly community in action, we need to begin finding those solutions for ourselves first.
Date: 8 Apr 2011
Passage: James 5:19-20
The concluding remarks of James are clear, revealing deep concerns for his readers. Make a list of those whom you may want to pray for and take the time to do so today.