Date: 2 Jan 2013
Passage: Meditate on Matthew 2:11
Gold for a king, frankincense for a priest, myrrh for one who was to die. Let us reflect on how Jesus opened the way to God and made it possible for us to enter the very presence of God.
Date: 1 Jan 2013
Passage: Matthew 2:11 and 1 Corinthians 13
Jesus was ‘the Man born to be King’ yet He was to reign not by force but by love. Let us also learn to overcome evil with genuine love.
Date: 31 Dec 2012
Passage: Matthew 2:7-8
Herod reacted with hostility as he was afraid Jesus’ coming would complicate his life. How about us? How do we respond to the love of Christ?
Date: 29 Dec 2012
Passage: Colossians 3:15
Peace can only be found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When we know Him, we can experience and know peace.
Date: 28 Dec 2012
Passage: Matthew 1:24
Life is quite different when Jesus teaches us how to look at life through His eyes. May we not be led astray by our own prejudices but to allow Jesus to open our eyes to see the truth.
Date: 27 Dec 2012
Passage: Matthew 1:22-23
Jesus does more than testify to God’s presence; he himself is God ― now personally to be with his people forever. Knowing that “God is with us”, how do we encourage others to have hope as God’s redeemed people?