Date: 18 Mar 2013

Passage: Mark 10:20-22

Why do you think Jesus told the rich young man to sell what he had?

Date: 17 Mar 2013

Passage: Mark 10:19-21

How did Jesus explain the way to eternal life? 

Date: 16 Mar 2013

Passage: Mark 10:17

How did the man address Jesus? Who did he think Jesus was? Was his ‘impression’ of Jesus the right one? Who is Jesus to you?

Date: 16 Mar 2013

Passage: Mark 8:35-37

How would you paraphrase these three verses to someone who does not know Christ? 

Date: 15 Mar 2013

Passage: Mark 8:34-35

What did Jesus mean by \”denying yourself\” and \”taking up the cross\”?

Date: 14 Mar 2013

Passage: Mark 8:33

What did Jesus’ rebuke of Peter actually mean?