Date: 9 Sep 2015
Passage: Revelation 3:8b
What is meant when a church is described as having “little strength”? How does a church increase strength? Which condition is better for the Kingdom of God?
Date: 8 Sep 2015
Passage: Revelation 3:7b
What do you think is meant by “What he opens, no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open”?
Date: 7 Sep 2015
Passage: Revelation 3:7-13
What is the overall assessment of the Lord Jesus concerning the church at Philadelphia?
Date: 5 Sep 2015
Passage: Revelation 3:6
Be still and listen to what the Spirit of God says to us through the words to the church at Sardis.
Date: 4 Sep 2015
Passage: Revelation 3:5
What a joy and privilege it is for God to hold us up in “white garments” and whose names are in “the book of life.” Are we part of them?
Date: 3 Sep 2015
Passage: Revelation 3:4
Hope can be found in the faithful remnant who are exemplary. Are we part of these “unsoiled” few who hold up the Name of the Lord?