Date: 16 Sep 2015

Passage: Revelation 3:15-16

What is Jesus’ opinion of the deeds of the Laodicean believers?  What does “lukewarm” mean?

Date: 15 Sep 2015

Passage: Revelation 3:14

Notice the titles which are assigned to Jesus.  What do they convey?

Date: 14 Sep 2015

Passage: Revelation 3:14-22

What is Jesus’ overall assessment of the Church at Laodicea?  Notice Jesus has nothing good to say.

Date: 12 Sep 2015

Passage: Revelation 2-3

Of the 7 churches only the Churches in Smyrna and Philadelphia received nothing but praise and promises.  Why do you think this was so?  Would ORPC today receive praise from Jesus?  What would Jesus tell us to improve on?

Date: 11 Sep 2015

Passage: Revelation 3:10

There will come “an hour of trial upon the whole earth”.  What is the purpose of this trial, and what does God promise to those who remain faithful (vv11-12)?

Date: 10 Sep 2015

Passage: Revelation 3:9

How is the “synagogue of Satan” described?  How does a church go from being the “bride of Christ” to becoming a synagogue of Satan? What can be done to prevent this from happening?