Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
By Not Known It is common for people to gamble and Singapore has plenty of opportunities. Offshore gambling cruises, Genting bus tours, card games, lucky draws, and now casinos are all available. The nation’s churches, with other local religious and community groups, have been vocal in opposing further gambling facilities. Why? After all gambling creates…
By Not Known A quick search shows more than 12 different start dates for the new year among different groups of people. Think of that – 12 plus annual chances for a fresh start with new resolutions, new hopes and new plans. However, it’s not that easy. We may spruce up our homes, buy new…
By Not Known Lunar calendars have been used in the past and are now still used. For some, a lunar calendar is merely a different way of measuring time. For others, a lunar calendar has deeper significance. This is found in pre- Christian Celtic religion, in some traditional societies and in some forms of contemporary…
By Not Known A lady was almost ready to convert to Christianity after an outreach service. She asked if becoming a Christian meant giving up her existing faith. The answer was ‘yes’. This stopped her in her tracks and her conversion was delayed. When she did become a Christian her testimony was clear. She cited…
By Not Known Fast food surrounds us in the form of instant mee, curry puffs, kaya toast, pau and such like. It gives a quick ‘fix’ but it rarely satisfies and much of it is nutritional junk. When we rearrange the letters ‘fast’ food becomes ‘fats’ food! There’s another fast food and it is good…
By Not Known In some cultures, eating is an art. In other cultures, eating is like medicating the health. Whatever eating means to each culture, it certainly is a common activity for renewing and building relationships. We love eating fresh food rather than leftovers. Nobody serves leftovers to their guests; neither do we like to…
By Not Known In my childhood memories, there were lots of boasting. We boasted about who had more, whose dad was stronger, who had a better holiday, whose mom’s cooking was more delicious, etc. We boasted simply because we wanted power; we wanted to be better. Even though we knew we were not, we would…
By Not Known It’s sometimes said that eating is our national hobby. Most of us enjoy choosing and consuming food, know restaurant ratings well and are delighted to give or accept invitations to dine. The Bible has a similarly positive appreciation of food. An initial vegetarian diet was soon replaced by freedom to eat just…
By Not Known Many of our adult members are the first generation in their families to be Christian. An increasing number of our rising generation were born into a Christian family. They were taught the faith at home and have grown through our various Christian education ministries for infants, children and youth. It’s a wonderful…
By Not Known The Chinese government has started work on a bridge to link Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau with a 50km siz-lane roadway. It will be the longest bridge ever. Bridges make connections God’s action in sending his Son Jesus into the world can be seen as the greatest act of bridge-building ever undertaken. The result is…