Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
By Not Known Alan Hirsch presented an interesting and thought-provoking video entitled, “Why Evangelism Can’t Be Our Focus.” In it, he argued that “We must not stop sharing the good news, but here’s the deal, here’s the wonderful thing, it gets done along the way as you do discipleship. The Great Commission is just about…
By Not Known There was an interesting report in the Straits Times last week about family ties. The headline read, “More tucking in to Eat With Your Family Day.” Some office staff were let off an hour earlier to go home for a family meal, and one school even taught its 1500 pupils how to…
By Not Known My daughter was given a little Barney soft-toy that sings a song – “I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won’t you say you love me too.” It’s a catchy tune with delightful words good enough for…
By Not Known Studying the Old Testament history of worship is crucial to a fuller understanding of worship today. Even if we do not carry over all old practices to our current worship services, we can gain many valuable lessons that enrich our worship just by studying them. Andrew Hill’s book “Enter His Courts with…
By Not Known CM seemed like every church’s dream member. He grew up as a Christian since his youth, active in Bible-study and even led one of the groups. He gave generously and even led several to Christ. Most of all, he was a faithful servant serving as a deacon at church. But abruptly, he…
By Not Known Psalm 102:25-28: In ages past you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. Even they will perish but you remain forever; they will wear out like old clothing. You will change them like a garment, and they will fade away. But you are always…
By Not Known Even if you may not be a Christian leader, this subject is relevant to everyone for three reasons: 1) We all serve under the leadership of the church and ministry; our leaders’ faith in God can affect us who are being led. 2) These leaders are also brothers and…
By Not Known We are constantly making decisions whether for ourselves, our families, work or ministries. Proverbs 3:5,6 are wonderful verses which assure us of God’s guidance but also warn us not to rely on our wisdom. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all…
By Not Known In the course of interacting with people in both pastoral and evangelism contexts, I have often asked these questions: What brings you to church? How do you know about Christianity? Various responses I have received are: • I used to study in a missions school; • My mother used to take me…
By Not Known The late Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s passing was a great loss to our nation. Certainly his leadership was crucial politically, but personally I’m grateful that a lot of what he stood for resonated with Biblical values. Let me list a few: 1 DEFINING MOMENTS: During the Japanese occupation in 1942 he…