Posts by Dr Dominic Kuek

Faithless Faith

There’s a verse that has left me worried ever since I first came across it. In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus said, “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will…

A Better Homeland

As a doctor, I’m no stranger to death. Breaking the bad news of a poor prognosis is a regular part of the job, but no matter how many times I do it, it never gets easier. Yet if there’s something I’ve learnt from these interactions, it’s that all pretences are stripped away when death stares…

cut animals and unbreakable promises

There’s a question I’ve repeatedly asked myself: “Can God be trusted?” As a Christian, I know what the ‘right’ answer is. Yes, of course God can be trusted. But often it doesn’t feel that way. When I’m amidst painful trials and temptations, God’s promises can feel so far away and impossible. I’ll start to question:…

What’s Wrong with the World Today?

“What’s wrong with the world today?” That was the question my Christian Union once posed to those on campus during Mission Week. The answers given were unsurprising, if not telling. They blamed inaccessible education, unequal rights, moral degradation, social injustice, poverty . . . . The list went on. If only we worked these things…

In the Beginning

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to observe God’s act of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis. Surely, it must have been an awe-inspiring sight. Imagine watching the stars burst forth in brilliant radiance, the mighty waters stilled and parted, and abundant life spilling across every corner of creation—who wouldn’t want front…

Planning Because of Our Certain Future

Last week, James reminded us that because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, it is arrogant to make plans of our own as though our future is certain (Jas. 4:14-16). But that isn’t to say that we don’t know anything about the future. There is one future event that we can be absolutely certain…

The Work of the Word

The past few weeks have been deeply challenging for me. The more time I spend reflecting on James, the more acutely I’m aware of how far I fall short of God’s standards. I struggle to find joy in my trials. I’m slow to hear, quick to speak, quick to anger. I know what God’s word…

Finding Peace in A Broken World

I had always felt that peace was such a fleeting sensation. Perhaps my time in the hospital best exemplified this: I could be looking out of the window at lunchtime, briefly losing myself in the peaceful serenity of the autumn landscape, marvelling at the beauty of God’s creation; in the next minute I find myself…

A Royal Priesthood

During my time as a doctor, I quickly learnt that there’s no such thing as taking a break from my profession. I got used to the idea that, even on a day off, I could be asked to give medical advice when meeting friends, be expected to help if someone faints in a mall, and…