Posts by Pr Lim Chung Wei (Page 2)

Am I Saved?

“You Christians are very lucky! For you, salvation is easy. For me, it is very hard!” so exclaimed a relative from a different religion. Is his statement true? Mankind, which includes you and me, are in dire straits. We are all sinners and have fallen “short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Therefore, all…

An Underrated Virtue That Shines…

When you compliment someone, what are some typical words that you may use? Intelligent, wise, strong, capable… and the list goes on. For many people, the word “gentle” will not come to mind. However, gentleness is part of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). This virtue shines like gold and is precious in God’s…

A Virtue Worth Pursuing…

Imagine the following: First, at home, your five-year-old child throws a tantrum and refuses to follow your instructions and creates a mess. Second, at work, you have a colleague who often makes simple mistakes thus creating problems that result in logjams in your group project. Third, in church, you are frustrated with a member who…

God’s Gift

A strong sense of guilt engulfed Steven as he had not spent quiet time with God for two months. One evening, out of obligation, he went to his study and started praying to God. “Dear God, I am sorry for not spending time with you but I have many problems to tackle. I am facing…

Drawing closer to Him

The birth of Jesus is momentous and changed the course of world history. More importantly, Jesus offers eternal life to whosoever believes in him. Due to him, countless lives have been transformed and spiritually uplifted. One evening, as I reflected on the birth of Jesus, the following thoughts came to my mind: In view of…

Precious but Not Coveted

This character trait Brothers and sisters, I am talking about the character trait of spiritual humility. What then is spiritual humility? Isaiah 57:15 says, ‘For this is what the high and exalted One says- he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one…

Worrying Is Worrying

Imagine the following scenarios. First Scenario        Kelly’s son, John, is struggling in school. He has been failing his assessments and the PSLE is looming. Dismayed at his lack of progress, John is at a quandary as to what to do. His mood has changed from being cheerful to being sullen and unresponsive. Kelly’s heart…

an uplifting gift

Remember a time when you were in a crisis when life was dark, dour and desperate? You were in a quandary, at sixes and sevens and you were discouraged. Then someone came along and offered words of comfort and assurance. And he or she urged you to persevere and never give up. If you have…