Date: 1 Jun 2011

Passage: Acts 7: 37-38

What was the most significant thing that Moses said in these verses? Who is this coming prophet?

Date: 31 May 2011

Passage: Acts 7:1-8

What covenant did God make with Moses? 

Date: 30 May 2011

Passage: Acts 6:11-15

Why did the members of the Synagogue oppose Stephen? What did they do, and what was the result? 

Date: 28 May 2011

Passage: Acts 6: 9-10

How was it that Stephen could do that which only the Apostles had done?

Date: 27 May 2011

Passage: Acts 6:5,8,10

What are Stephen’s marks of maturity? Are these still important relevant indicators for our church?

Date: 26 May 2011

Passage: Act 6:3-5

What ministries of the church are mentioned? Looking at the qualities of the men chosen, how might we compare the importance of the ministries?