Date: 29 Jun 2011
Passage: Acts 15:36―16:5
How was Paul and Barnabas’ experience in Iconium similar and different from their experience in Antioch? What was the purpose of signs and wonders here (and also 6:8)?
Date: 28 Jun 2011
Passage: Acts 15:22-35
From the debate, the circular letter to the churches and the way it was delivered, what do you learnt about handling differences? How can vv30-33 be a model for unity within diversity among Christians?
Date: 27 Jun 2011
Passage: Acts 15:1-21
What is the significance of the council’s decision in the light of 1:8? Why were the conditions in v20 added (cf. 1 Corinthians 8)?
Date: 25 Jun 2011
Passage: Acts 14:8-28
What does the difference between Paul’s sermon (13:17-41) and his speech (14:15-17) teach you about sharing your faith with various groups of people?
Date: 24 Jun 2011
Passage: Acts 13:52―14:7
How was Paul and Barnabas’ experience in Iconium similar and differ from their experience in Antioch? What was the purpose of signs and wonders here (and also 6:8)?
Date: 23 Jun 2011
Passage: Acts 13:43-51
God planned for all the world to know of God through the Jews (v47 cf. Isaiah 49:6). What lessons can we learn of God’s plan for others to know of Him as well?