Date: 3 Aug 2011

Passage: Acts 27:39-44

God brought all on board to safety including the prisoners.  How often do we meet with a shipwreck in our lives?  Have we trusted God, or instead blamed him? 

Date: 2 Aug 2011

Passage: Acts 27:13-38

The tempestuous storm hindered Paul’s journey and drastic measures were taken to retain safety of both goods and people.  Even in the midst of the life-threatening situation, God is in control and Paul, the prisoner, actually provided the assurance from God.

Date: 1 Aug 2011

Passage: Acts 27:1-12

Use a Bible map to detail the voyage of Paul to Rome. God has preserved him for the purpose of bringing the gospel there. 

Date: 30 Jul 2011

Passage: Acts 26:12-32

Reread Paul’s testimony and identify the before, the how and the after of Paul’s conversion.  With similar guidelines, write your own testimony so you may be ready to share it when opportunity comes.

Date: 29 Jul 2011

Passage: Acts 26:12-32

Paul shared his testimony with King Agrippa II and not only provided us with the most details of Paul‘s conversion but also the most detailed exposition of the gospel.  Be thankful to God for Paul and people like him who take every opportunity to tell others about Christ. 

Date: 28 Jul 2011

Passage: Acts 26:1-11

As with 25:18-20, it was certain that Paul did not violate any Roman secular law but only religious ones. Yet, how was Paul’s defence here seen as a good defence of his religious past?