Date: 18 Jul 2012
Passage: Romans 2:7
Paul states that eternal life will be given to those who seek it by “persistence in doing good”. How can this be reconciled with his teaching later in Romans (3:20-24, 28) that salvation is a free gift and comes through faith, not works?
Date: 17 Jul 2012
Passage: Romans 2:4-5
What is the purpose of God’s long suffering patience? What application can be made for Christians? For non-Christians?
Date: 16 Jul 2012
Passage: Romans 2:1-3
Is it ever appropriate for us to judge other people? If so, when, who, and how?
Date: 14 Jul 2012
Passage: Romans 1
Note that in Romans 1, God did NOT give up on anyone, rather he gave them over to something, hence, here is always the hope of repentance. Have you been praying continuously for others that they will be won to Christ and be reconciled to him?
Date: 13 Jul 2012
Passage: Romans 1:24-30
What are the four things that God gave the unrighteous men up to?
Date: 12 Jul 2012
Passage: Romans 1:21-23
Special attention is placed on the heart and the mind − the mental rejection of God. Trace the seven steps of this process.