Date: 22 Aug 2012
Passage: Romans 5:15
“…many died by the trespass of one man…” If someone disgreed with this statment, how would you respond?
Date: 21 Aug 2012
Passage: Romans 5:12-21
In the same passage, notice the repeated phrases “just as…, so also…” What do these comparisons highlight?
Date: 20 Aug 2012
Passage: Romans 5:12-21
Verses12-17 speak of Adam and Jesus Christ. What impact did each have on the human race?
Date: 18 Aug 2012
Passage: Romans 5:10,11
Paul uses the word “reconciliation” to describe what Christ’s death has achieved. Go to 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 to see what we are called to be and do.
Date: 17 Aug 2012
Passage: Romans 5:6-11
Describe the work of Christ as seen in verses 6-11. What exactly has Christ done for us? How does this information impact you?
Date: 16 Aug 2012
Passage: Romans 5:6, 8 and 10
What words in Romans 5:6, 8 and 10 describe what we once were in God’s eyes? How do you feel being described in this way? How does the death of Jesus change this relationship?