Date: 8 Aug 2013

Passage: Exodus 5:15-19

Was God evidently present with His people when they suffered or did they have to fend for themselves? In such times, what promises of God must they/we hold on to?

Date: 7 Aug 2013

Passage: Exodus 4:27-28

Do you think Moses would have been spared all the troubles he had with Aaron if he had not been so full of excuses?

Date: 7 Aug 2013

Passage: Exodus 5:4-14

How did the Israelites suffer because Moses and Aaron obeyed God and spoke to Pharaoh? What has obedience to God cost you?

Date: 6 Aug 2013

Passage: Exodus 4:24-26

Why did God want to kill Moses? This passage not only underlines the seriousness of disobeying God, it also shows God’s mercy as He did not immediately kill Moses.

Date: 6 Aug 2013

Passage: Exodus 5:2-3

Why did Pharaoh refuse to let the Israelites go? What does it mean to fear God?

Date: 5 Aug 2013

Passage: Exodus 4:21-23

Why did Pharoah harden his heart against God?