Date: 8 Feb 2014

Passage: Exodus 19:24-25

Why do you think God was so serious with the Israelites?

Date: 7 Feb 2014

Passage: Exodus 19:20-23

What did God further warn the Israelites?

Date: 6 Feb 2014

Passage: Exodus 19:16-19

What warnings did God give to His people?

Date: 5 Feb 2014

Passage: Exodus 19:10-15

Why do you think God told the Israelites to consecrate themselves?  What did the consecration stand for?

Date: 4 Feb 2014

Passage: Exodus 19:7-9

How did the Israelites respond?  What was God’s intention in coming to Israel in a dense cloud?

Date: 4 Feb 2014

Passage: Exodus 19:7-9

How did the Israelites respond?  What was God’s intention in coming to Israel in a dense cloud?