Date: 4 Apr 2014

Passage: Matthew 7:26-27

The wise man builds his house on the rock instead of on sand.  Examine your life to see if you are like the wise man or the foolish one?

Date: 3 Apr 2014

Passage: Matthew 7:24-27

Hearing the word alone is not enough; doing (obeying) completes the hearing process.  How do we obey carefully what we hear from God?

Date: 2 Apr 2014

Passage: Matthew 7:21-23

We must guard against not just the false prophets but also false disciples.  Does your oral confession of Christ’s Lordship truly comes from a repentant heart?

Date: 1 Apr 2014

Passage: Matthew 7:19-20

There are consequences for bearing bad fruits.  How would this challenge us to be a healthy tree?

Date: 31 Mar 2014

Passage: Matthew 7:15-19

We are what we are inside us. How would we ensure proper nurturing of our “inward” being?

Date: 29 Mar 2014

Passage: Luke 15:20-32

The older brother, though he remained at home, was indeed in need of repentance as well.  How may some of our actions, similar to this brother’s attitude, are in need of repentance?