Date: 20 Apr 2014

Passage: Exodus 32:30-32

What character qualities did Moses demonstrate in this incident?  How do you account for them?

Date: 19 Apr 2014

Passage: Exodus 32:25-29,35

How was God’s judgement against idolatry carried out?

Date: 19 Apr 2014

Passage: John 20:30-31

The miracles recorded in John’s Gospel were only a fraction of what Jesus had done. If miracles would convince you to put your trust in Jesus, would you pray for one?

Date: 18 Apr 2014

Passage: Exodus 32:15-24

How did Moses react when he saw the Israelites’ idolatrous worship (vv19-24)?  Why do you think Aaron lied to Moses (vv22-24)?

Date: 18 Apr 2014

Passage: John 20:26-29

What can we learn from the way Thomas so readily responded in v28?  Would you believe wholeheartedly like Thomas?

Date: 17 Apr 2014

Passage: Exodus 32:7-14

What impresses you about the dialogue between God and Moses (vv9-14)?