Date: 9 Jul 2014

Passage: Col 1:1-2

Paul has probably written this letter from prison. Would you have started a letter so positively if you were writing from prison?

Date: 8 Jul 2014

Passage: Col 1:1-2

To whom does Paul attribute his apostleship?  How does he address the recipients of his letter? What does that tell you about them?

Date: 7 Jul 2014

Passage: Col 1

What are the main themes Paul begins his letter with?

Date: 5 Jul 2014

Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:21-25

In what areas do our non-Christians friends stumble over the Gospel? In what ways can you help communicate the Gospel clearly and effectively so that the gap can be bridged?

Date: 4 Jul 2014

Passage: Luke 9:57-62

What aspects of commitment was Jesus emphasising in these verses?  Now read Luke 19:41, what strikes you about Jesus’ reaction?

Date: 3 Jul 2014

Passage: Luke 9:57-58

What was Jesus trying to teach His followers about the cost of following Him?  In what areas of your life are you struggling e.g. choosing comfort over what God is calling you to do?