Date: 14 Aug 2014

Passage: Acts 10:17-20

How did the vision impact Peter, a law-keeping Jew?

Date: 13 Aug 2014

Passage: Acts 10:9-16

What meaning did the vision hold for Peter?

Date: 12 Aug 2014

Passage: Acts 10:3-8

Why did the angel appear to Cornelius?  What assignment did the angel give and what was Cornelius’ response?

Date: 11 Aug 2014

Passage: Acts 10:1-2

How was Cornelius different from the other Romans?

Date: 9 Aug 2014

Passage: Col 3:4

How do you prepare yourself for the day when Christ appears with you in glory?

Date: 8 Aug 2014

Passage: Col 3:3

What does it mean to die and to have our minds hidden with Christ?  Have you already done that?  If not, what must you do?