Date: 10 Dec 2014

Passage: Isaiah 11:6-9

What is the one word that best describes this passage?  Is this a present reality?  How is this reality possible in the future (v9)?

Date: 9 Dec 2014

Passage: Isaiah 11:1-5

What has God promised?  Why is His promise very good?


Date: 8 Dec 2014

Passage: Isaiah 11:1-16

What is the overall outlook and tone of this passage? What do you find in it which encourages you?

Date: 6 Dec 2014

Passage: Gen 3:7, 21

Look at Eve’s act in verse 7, and compare it with God’s act in verse 21.  What does God’s act tell us about his attitude towards his people?


Date: 5 Dec 2014

Passage: Gen 3:10-13

What were Adam and Eve’s response to God’s question? What were Adam and Eve trying to do?

Date: 4 Dec 2014

Passage: Gen 3:7-9

How did the sin affect Adam and Eve’s attitude towards each other and God?