Date: 21 Jan 2015

Passage: Mark 12:25

Why is an in-depth understanding of Scriptures illumine by the Holy Spirit important to the Christian believer?  Are you encouraged to ask God to give you a deeper understanding of His word like Jesus?

Date: 20 Jan 2015

Passage: Mark 12:19-24

How did the questions reveal to us Jesus’ wisdom?

Date: 19 Jan 2015

Passage: Mark 12:18

What is so different between the Sadducees’ belief and the Pharisees’ especially with the understanding on resurrection?

Date: 17 Jan 2015

Passage: Mark 12:13-17

How do we give to God what is God’s and to the secular authorities what rightly belongs to them?

Date: 16 Jan 2015

Passage: Mark 12:16-17

We see how evil the people were in displaying such hypocrisy.  Do we often behave like this towards Jesus?

Date: 15 Jan 2015

Passage: Mark 12:15

Note how Jesus made use of a denarius as His teaching aid?