Date: 15 Apr 2015
Passage: Judges 2:11-15
What happened when a people forgot and forsook their God? What can happen when we or our children turn away from Christ?
Date: 14 Apr 2015
Passage: Judges 2:10
How do you explain the ignorance of the next generation about the God of their fathers? How do we ensure that our children are not ignorant of Christ and the Gospel?
Date: 13 Apr 2015
Passage: Judges 2:6-9
What was it that kept the Israelites faithful to God throughout Joshua’s lifetime? How was Joshua a part of that which kept them faithful?
Date: 11 Apr 2015
Passage: Judges 2:1-5
How did God fare in His covenant with Israel? How did Israel fare in return? What was the real reason that they failed to fully dislodge their enemies?
Date: 10 Apr 2015
Passage: Judges 1:22-36
What further reasons can you identify that explain the Israelites’ failure to completely dislodge their enemies? What did they do with the Canaanites instead?
Date: 9 Apr 2015
Passage: Judges 1:16-21
The successes of the Israelites were met with failures as well. Why did they fail to fully take all the territory allotted them?