Date: 6 May 2015
Passage: Read Judges 6:7
The people of Israel was a cry of desperation, anguish and fear. They cried for the Lord’s help when they were faced with great danger. Were they even aware that the dangers were brought on by their own misdoings?
Date: 5 May 2015
Passage: Judges 6:2-6
How did the Midianites harass the Israelites? Why were they successful?
Date: 4 May 2015
Passage: Judges 6:1
This apostasy pattern seems to be repeating once again, and now the Lord has given them into the hand of the Midian. Is this a similar pattern for us today? How can we change?
Date: 2 May 2015
Passage: Judges 5:31
What encouragement and warning can we draw from this verse alone? What kind of peace do you think Israel enjoyed over the 40 years?
Date: 1 May 2015
Passage: Judges 5:1-31
What is the key theme of Deborah’s praise song? What aspects of God’s character are highlighted?
Date: 30 Apr 2015
Passage: Judges 4:11, 17-23
The bloody and brutal assassination of Sisera by Jael was pivotal to Israel’s freedom from Jabin’s cruelty. What can we say about God’s way of delivering his people from oppression?