Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
By Not Known Many of us would be familiar with Proverbs 3: 5- 6 which says “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Some of us would have even committed it to memory and…
By Not Known Today we start a month-long emphasis on Christian Education Ministry. Christian Education is the teaching and learning of the Bible by the whole church. Christian Education includes adults as well as youth and children. For this reason, ORPC provides a range of adult Bible-learning activities, including SOCM courses, small groups and Sunday…
By Not Known Have you ever thought about how children may see life? Consider the endless round of learning and training activities that they undergo. Perhaps it goes something like this: I don’t understand mummy and daddy. They say they love me and I think they do. But they make me do all these hard…
By Not Known The place where Jesus died was not much really. The kind of place that every town has,where idlers come to gawk,unwanted people find their home,and tired soldiers do their duty, while others make a quick buck trading on death’s misery. Far from the pleasing form of the temple with its gold and…
By Not Known Today’s Bible reading confronts us with the holiness of God. The prophet Isiah thought he was in a temple of doomwhen he ‘saw’ God in a vision (Isa 6:5). This doom arose from his awareness of the vast gap between him and God. The gap between people and God is a reflection…
By Not Known We sometimes have trouble knowing what to do. We want to do God's will in everything. But how do we know what God wants us to do? Let's start with some basic teachings. The Bible teaches that God is master over everything and manages everything to fit into his plans (Eph. 1:…
By Not Known This is a day of instant communication. Within minutes of an event happening anywhere, SMS, email and Internet carry text and visual reports all over the world. We call it ‘Information Technology‘ but it is more ‘Communications Technology‘. But, how much of our communications is empty, repetitive or banal? We have the…
By Not Known Some people become Christians by a dramatic conversion experience rather like that of the Apostle Paul (Acts 9: 1- 19). Perhaps they were living a dissolute or godless life, or were avid devotees of another faith and violently opposed to Christianity. But then they heard about Jesus and had a compelling personal…
By Not Known There is much to appreciate on the 40th anniversary of Singapore’s independence. Singapore has set a stunning example of nation building from a small resource base and in often challenging circumstances. Let’s be grateful for such things as : social stability; security; good government; hightly functional public infrastructure; economic prosperity; high standards…
By Not Known How would you define ‘sin‘? Many of us would define sin in terms of outward acts such as theft, physical violence or sexual relationships outside of marriage. Or perhaps some of us go deeper and refer to the inward attitudes of greed, hatred, lust and such like that lay behind the outwards…