Pastoral Message (Page 94)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

The Water that Refreshes

By Not Known Water is vital for life! Much of our physical environment and much of our human bodies consist of water. Without it, plants and people die. With it, life thrives, We are very conscious of that in Singapore. The popeline from Malaysia is crucial to national survival and we are concerned to supplement…

Seize the Opportunity

By Not Known Some people say that history repeats itself. I agree. In fact, it repeats itself many times. Look at the Israelites, God has spoken to them many times and yet they seemed not to have understood what God had said about their repeated mistakes and disobedience. God has to repeat his warnings and…

The Beautiful Game

By Not Known Football is a beautiful game. Over the past five weeks, the entire planet was treated to one of the best exhibition of this beautiful game. It was a great spectacle for football fans. However, “ugly” gamesmanship had marred it. Gamesmanship in its pureset form means the art of winning games using tactics…

Falure Breeds Success

By Not Known Mike Markula, a former vice-chairman of Apple Computer once said, “I believe the overall quality of work improves when you give people a chance to fail.“ Among the most vocal and most visible apostles of Jesus was a man named Peter, whose name meant the rock. It meant strength and stability. It…

Gospel Plus?

By Not Known Like the foolish Galations, some of us cannot accept the fact that we can gain salvation by just taking god at His word! Believing in Christ Jesus who died for our sins and rose again from the dead for our salvation just isn’t good enought! Surely it can’t be that simple –…

That’s It!

By Not Known Have you ever experienced a ‘That’s it!’ moment in your life? It might be that you threw in the towel on a relationship, a job, a deal, or an interest. That can often happen when one party undergoes prolonged frustration of unmet expectations, empty promises, or unfavourable outcomes. Have you been disappointed…

Little people, little deeds and a great big God

By Not Known Some children at a Christian orphanage in Indonesia recently received several boxes of expensive multivitamins at no cost. It all happened through people in our congregation One person had the vitamins. He looked for somewhere to send them. An elder and a deacon had some coincidental conversations. Yet another person became involved…


By Not Known “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, [a] where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” (Eccles 9:10) Most of us can readily divide our lives into various aspects such as employment, hobbies, close family, wider family,…

Responding to Disaster

By Not Known Our region has seen another natural disaster this week with the earthquake that happened near Yogyakarta. What do we make of these things? Some may see the hand of God in judgement against Indonesia for various evils including resistance to the gospel. Others may see it as a sign of approaching end…

The Ups and Downs of Life

By Not Known Few lives are all up or all down. For most, life is a mix of ups and downs It was like that for the Old Testament figure of Joseph. He was the great grandson of Abraham. His father played favourites with him. His brothers hated him (Gen 37: 3-4). He lorded it…