Pastoral Message (Page 92)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

Lessons and Carols

By Not Known Today’s service of lessons and carols brings the whole sweep of the Christian faith before us. This is a good reminder Of how the birth of Jesus fits into the biggest story of them all – the stoy of a sovereignly gracious God reaching down to restore his creation to himself. The…

The Preacher

By Not Known John the Baptist was a preacher and Luke’s story of his ministry teaches us much about the preacher’s person and work. After his birth, John spent many years in the wilderness (Luke 1:80). Apart from wearing unusual cloths and eating unusual food (Mat 3:4), we can safely expect that these were years…

Why Christmas?

By Not Known The Christmas carols of the Bible give important clues about what happened at Christmas and what its purpose is. Today we look at a ‘carol’ from Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist (Lk 1:67-8O). Zechariah writes about John’s birth and ministy, but makes it clear that John is understood in the…

A Tithe of Time

By Not Known For many of us, our most precious and most pressured resource is time. We shorten sleep, multi-task, double book and cut corners to try and squeeze more and more into the day. The Bible says a lot about time. It is ultimately in God’s hands and there is a natural cycle for…

The Language of Prayer

By Not Known Words are powerful things and we should always take care in their use. This is especially so with the language of prayer. We need care in our approach to God, how we express our heard and the framing of our desires. Firstly, the Psalms are careful in how they address God. They…

The Worship of Work

By Not Known What do we think of when we read the words “The Worship of Work“? Perhaps we think of work becoming an act of idolatry that replaces God. Work can be an idol and an act of false worship. Our longest and best hours are often spent at work, to the neglect of…

I Choose Jesus

By Not Known Have you ever made an enormous mistake and then realise it afterwards? As is often said, what matters is not the mistake we make but what we do with them. In Acts 2: 36-37 we read of people in this situation. They had shared in killing Jesus. At the time, they thought…

Keep Running

By Not Known As we sit in church this morning, a ladies’ 10Km run race will be held elsewhere in Singapore. 10km is not a long race by the standards of some, but it is long enough to need careful preparation and a disciplined approach. Several Bible passages compare the Christina life to a running…

Has Anything Changed?

By Not Known During the last month we have focused on the work of God’s outreach through missions and evangelism. Has anything changed? We have done Bible Studies and heard sermons around different aspects of the outreach task. We have learned how God commands us to take his message to all people, that he promises…

What are you passing on today?

By Not Known It is easy to give away things that we do not need or value. Gifts we received from past Christmases, birthday celebrations, weddings, house-warmings, or maternity hand-me-downs are passed on from person to person, and family to family. Many of these ended up in messy storerooms where unwanted items continue to stream…