Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
By Not Known There are different starting points in life where people like you and I first come to seek God. Some seek him out of times of trouble and sickness; others out of a sense of aimlessness and fear of the unknown; still others out of curiosity or a desire for some kind of…
By Not Known Change is inevitable if we are growing. Growth involves change. Though many of us do not like change, it does not mean that we do not want to grow. Yet, we cannot desire one and not welcome the other. The key is to manage change as we grow. When we are drawn…
By Not Known Several people influenced me a great deal when I was growing up as a young Christian. These people poured their lives into me and helped me stand firm on a few areas that formed the foundation of my Christian life, Above all, four things figured well above many other things as these…
By Not Known One of the titles of our Lord Jesus Christ most familiar with us is that of “the Author (Pioneer) and Finisher (Perfecter) of our faith” (Heb 12: 2). Peter (2 Pet 1:3) tells us how the Author and finisher’s “divine power has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness.” This should…
By Not Known Classical growth theory popularised by Adam Smith’s 1776 treatise “An Inquiry into Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” defined output of economic growth as a functional relationship between population investment and land growth. Smith’s neat and succinct formulae had influenced many economies then, giving rise to several other new growth…
By Not Known Arthur and all his family were alcoholics. His two sisters ran brothels. Arthur had little schooling and made his life in pubs and brothels. One day Arthur committed himself to the Lord and his life changed. A year or two later, a sermon about eternity touched Arthur’s heart and life. This barely…
By Not Known One of the warmest images for God is that he is a father. Not just any father, but the father of whom all earthly fathers are imperfect shadows. Indeed, the high point in the Lord’s Prayer is when we address God as Our father who is in heaven. He is our father…
By Not Known It is easy for Christians to be complacent and cavalier. After all, we say, God accepts me ‘just as I am’ and there is ‘no condemnation’ because of the cross of Jesus and my faith in him. And so we settle back making no real effort or commitment in the Christian life.…
By Not Known We often make one of two mistakes when it comes to knowing ourselves. Some have self-esteem that is far too high. We have swallowed the snake’s lie and believe that we are like gods (Gen 3:4). Others have too low a view of people in general or too low an individual self-esteem.…
By Not Known Today is a celebration of grace as we receive new members into the church. They are a testimony to the sovereign grace of God. The Father chose them in ‘ eternity, the Son died for them and intercedes for them and the Spirit called them to faith and now lives in them.…