Pastoral Message (Page 83)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

The end of Congregational Care?

By Not Known This is the last Sunday in our month-long focus on congregational care. Slide shows, interviews, a CC booth, a mystery meal, Bible studies and Sunday messages have all informed us about different aspects of care in the Bible and here at ORPC. Let’s review: Christian care arises as a response to God’s…

Soul Care

By Not Known God made us as people with multiple aspects. These different aspects are on view when we are told to love God with all our heart, soul and strength (Dt. 6:4; latter exanded to include ‘mind’ Mt 22:37) Heart, soul, mind and body all matter to God because he made them. Further, they…

A Call to Alms

By Not Known Our theme this month is ‘People Helping People‘. Jesus challenges all of us to a deeper engagement with one another through his teaching (Mat 5:38 – 6:4). His words are sharp and demanding. For a start, people helping means going beyond our obligations and it may even take us against our instincts…

People Caring for People – The Christian Difference

By Not Known Singapore has a strong charitable sector. A growing body of charitable groups cares for more groups of needy. This is goad, for our society relies heavily on family and community to care for the vulnerable. Christians are prominent in this chantable sector. God’s people often reach for a Giro form to support…

Height and Heart

By Not Known It’s sometimes said that one of life’s great cruelties is to be born short. There are greater numbers of tall people in the higher ranks of political and corporate life. And in an added cruelty, those few extra kilos look worse on a less-tall person. Israel’s first king was the tallest man…

Who Do we Exalt? In Whom Do we Exult?

By Not Known It’s a natural tendency to boost ourselves. We want to shine. We want to be noticed. We want to be listened to. We want to be influential. Jesus once attended a dinner where he watched big egos tripping over themselves. It was free seating and everyone rushed for the best seat. And…

The Ark

By Not Known The Ark of the Covenant has had a great run in the popular imagination thanks to an apparently endless series of movies. The reality is rather more plain. The Ark was a wooden box with corner rings to insert carrying poles. It was only 1.2 metres by O.762 by O.762 – smaller…


By Not Known The auspicious date is upon us and the Beijing Olympics will soon begin. We can only imagine the flurry of last-minute preparations as organisers, venue staff, coaches, athletes and a myriad of associated workers rushing to have everything ready. An Olympic medal is quite a prize. But for every winner there will…

Focus, Focus, Focus

By Not Known Some have no life focus and drift without aim. Others have poor focus and are easily distracted. Some have a well-defined focus, but it is in the wrong place. Luke 9 shows a clear sense of focus. This starts with Jesus. He had twice spoken of the divine necessity of his death…

Transformed Lives

By Not Known Last week, we examined the question, “Who do you say that I am?” This week, we have the account of the demonstration of Jesus’ identity. Adding on to the three disciples (witnesses) were three “heavenly witnesses”, Moses, Elijah and the voice of God from heaven authenticating Jesus’ heavenly identity. Again, the disciples…