Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
By Not Known Romans is Paul’s most weighty letter. It gives a systematic exposition of the Christian message and includes a tough section on the issue of Jews and Gentiles (Rom 9-11). This weighty letter has been pivotal at some great turning points such as the sixteenth century Reformation and the turn from theological liberalism…
By Not Known Many people want to be the ‘number one’. The ‘number ones’ are the key leaders who drive agendas, decide directions and set the pace. They also tend to be more prominent. We need great number one leaders, even though misplaced ambition can lead some to seek this position from base motives (eg,…
By Not Known There are no little people and no little places. Thus spoke Francis Schaeffer, a twentieth century Christian philosopher and theologian. I first heard those words while driving to preach in a little place where the sheep in the surrounding paddocks outnumbered the little congregation. What an encouragement! The smallest deeds and the…
By Not Known The history of the world is but the biography of great men. Thus speaks Thomas Carlyle, a nineteenth-century Scottish philosopher. On his view, history is made by great people doing great things. Carlyle has a point. Where is broader history without the heroes who ‘turned the moment’? Where is the story line…
By Not Known Christianity is essentially an historic faith. Some world views have a mainly cyclical sense of time, but ours is linear. Thus we see a story line where the present is shaped by the past and lived in the hope of the future. This is true for us as a church. On our…
By Not Known I recently attended a community group meeting where someone declared that ‘love is all we need’. This is an admirable sentiment. However, is a simple call for love sufficient? ‘Love’ is one of those words that means everything and therefore means nothing. ‘Love’ is a word that needs definition. What or who…
By Not Known Have you seen pictures of the October 4 sludge spillage near Ajkar in Hungary? The spillage is indeed colourful but also highly toxic. Eight people have perished, the river Marcal is ‘dead’, an area equivalent to 5% of Singapore’s land mass is covered by red muck and the Danube is being polluted.…
By Not Known 2 Timothy is an occasional letter designed to give encouragement amidst the discouragements of church life and leadership. The following words are amongst its many gems (2 Tim 2:13): If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself. This is an unexpected saying. The logic of the preceding…
By Not Known During recent days we have hosted several visitors from one of our regional mission partnerships. These people came from a difficult and an remote area where to be Christian is to be in a distinct minority and to be under a real and constant threat of persecution. They are humble folk who…
By Not Known I had a childhood friend, Peng Loong whose home was just ten houses away in the Chinatown neighborhood where we grew up. We used to play basketball together and Loong was a brilliant player. One day, Loong slipped and fell on the slippery court and was sent to hospital. He went into a coma for…