The Test

By Not Known

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you – unless of course you fail the test. (2 Cor 13:5)

Some in our congregation have the habit of a personal AGM to examine themselves before God. Here are some questions that can be used ….

  • Do I trust the mercies of God in Christ for my salvation or do I still try and impress God with my goodness?
  • Am I listening to God by regular deep reading of Scripture and meditation on it?
  • Am I talking to God in regular, deep and varied kinds of prayer?
  • Do I depend on God to meet my needs and bring them to him in prayer?
  • Am I turning my profession of faith into good works by doing what God says?
  • Do I act on the great commandment by loving God with all I am all the time and in all parts of life and do I love my neighbour, my enemy and strangers?
  • Do I play my part in the great commission by showing and sharing my faith on a personal level through involvement in some kind of outreach ministry?
  • Do I serve by giving generously of my time talents and treasure?
  • Do I allow others to serve me?
  • Am I transparent and accountable to at least one other person who is able and willing to ‘tell it like it is’?
  • Which of the above areas most needs my attention now and what will I do about it?

These questions are useful in a year-end time with the Lord. They can also be used to track our progress or regress: ask if you are showing more or less of these qualities as time passes.

David Burke