Pastoral Message (Page 61)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.


By Not Known Today is the sixth day of 2013. Have you had a meaningful start to the year? What did you do this last week? Let me guess… packing up last year’s Christmas presents, getting your children ready for their first school-day, getting into office early to clear backlogged emails, chasing up some post-Christmas…

Sigh or Shine

By Not Known Today is the second last day of 2012, and what a year it has been! I did a Google search for a listing of significant events in 2012. A cursory glance through a search result drew my attention to two words: ‘killed’ and ‘shot’. Events featuring ruthless politics, vicious wars, and massive…

Rejoice in the Lord Always

By Not Known Joy comes naturally from faith and is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).  Until the heart believes in God, it is impossible for it to rejoice in God.  On other words, unless we turn to God in repentance and receive Christ into our hearts by faith, there can…

What have you given this Christmas?

By Not Known This is the third Sunday in Advent and it is traditionally associated with love.  We often hear about peace and hope at Christmas but love is what brought our Saviour to us.  For God loves us so much that he gave.  Love gives. A couple of years ago, a group of Christians…

You might miss Christmas!

By Not Known This is the second week of December. All around the shopping belt, the festive lights are up, the festive decorations are on the facades of shopping malls. On our personal calendars, there is much shopping to do, travelling, parties to plan and attend during this Christmas season. So many events, so many…

Parousia (par-oo-see’-ah)

By Not Known The word advent derives from the Latin adventus, which is the translation of the Greek word parousia. The New American Standard New Testament Greek lexicon defines the latter word as “presence, the coming, arrival, the future visible return from heaven of Jesus, to raise the dead, hold the last judgement, and set…

Share Your Personal Testimony

By Not Known Every believer has a personal testimony of God’s presence and power. If we have a relationship with God, there should be evidence of that relationship.  God works in all sorts of natural and supernatural ways, and we should not hesitate to give credit to Him for whatever He has done for us,…

Cats and Dogs

By Not Known “My master is so wonderful,” says the dog.  “He loves me!  He feeds me every day!  He provides me warm shelter, and he pats me!  He does everything for me and gives me everything I have.  Finally, it dawned on me:  my master must be god!” * “Interesting,” notes the cat.  “My…

Freedom is Costly

By Not Known If you were a military commander, would you risk the lives of several men in exchange for the freedom of one captured? This is a real dilemma. But since the life of every person is to be valued, the cost of potential freedom is also worth paying. In the same way, every…

Why Do We Go To Church?

By Not Known Why do we go to church?  And regularly?  Some of us may use Hebrews 10:25: “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching” as our answer.  However, this…