Pastoral Message (Page 58)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

No Excuses

By Not Known Many make excuses for not doing their best and not striving for excellent results but instead settle for the mediocre.  Here are some people who offered no excuses but simply gave their best and accomplished excellent results. At 19 months, Helen Keller became deaf and blind. But she was the first deaf-blind…

Give Thanks for Your Home

By Not Known Home dedications seem to have become less frequent over the years. Hopefully whether we live in old or new premises, we shall never forget that everything we possess – including our homes – has been given by our gracious Lord, and therefore we should not fail to acknowledge and thank Him. Deut…

Of Wimbledon and Redemption

By Not Known Think back to last week’s Wimbledon triumph by Andy Murray. If you did not know that the last British champion was crowned 77 years ago, Murray’s win would have been just a win. But if we knew the backstory, his triumph takes on a new significance.  There is always a context and…


By Not Known My son loves eating bitter gourd. He simply loves its bitterness. For many people, bitterness is an acquired taste. The Chinese have a traditional saying that associates the medicinal benefits of herbs to bitterness. Most durian lovers would prize a bitter-sweet fruit over a merely sweet one. In a sense, bitterness is…

Law of the Garbage Truck

By Not Known As we meditate on who Jesus is today from John 14:6, it is good for us to truly know Jesus and trust Him as our Saviour.  For when we do, we know the way (to live) and have the truth (to stand on) and the life (to live fully as He has…

Cheap Grace

By Not Known The term “cheap grace” may be traced back to a book written by the German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, entitled The Cost of Discipleship. Bonhoeffer defined cheap grace as “the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, and communion without confession.” The emphasis is on the benefits of Christianity without…

The Mission

By Not Known Since childhood, we love stories of heroes and heroines; of good prevailing over evil; of struggles and of self-sacrifices for greater good. As a little boy, I remembered watching the Star Wars movies, and wanting to be a hero. I imagined myself triumphant above circumstances, with a lightsabre in my hand. Heroic…

By Not Known Hello, Church!  I have only been serving in ORPC for two weeks and I already love this church.  Thank you for extending kindness, hospitality and warmth.  Your smiles are very comforting and encouraging. Let me introduce myself — I am a third-generation Chinese, born and raised in Manila.   My father was a…

What if…?

By Not Known What if I’m down to my last cents and cannot afford that much-wanted family holiday? What if I’m passed over in that promotion for not playing ‘pet’ politics with my superiors? What if my family has to live strenuously on less with rising costs and growing needs that our incomes cannot match?…

A Testimony

By Not Known For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. ~ Ps 100:5GOD IS FAITHFUL. Orpc has a special place in my heart as you can see from the diagram above. Throughout the years, I have witnessed members/worshippers come and go, increase in pastoral staff from…