Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.
By Not Known Not many local churches have an evening service, but we do. Over the years, it has provided an alternative worship time-slot to those who might be working on Sundays, who missed their normal morning service for one reason or another, or who simply prefer a quieter service at a different time of…
By Not Known Married or dating couples in a love relationship are quite familiar with this playful teaser, “Coffee, tea or me?” It is a light-hearted way of seeking attention. So while coffee is good and tea as well, the ‘I’ has to be the most desirable – choose me! Sadly, some couples lose their…
By Not Known Following from where we left off last month in looking at some characteristics of a growing ORPC, here are my other observations. 5. Sharing the Gospel. As we look at any growing church, one thing that sets them apart is their passion to want to tell others about their faith. A believer’s…
By Not Known In my last Pastoral Message on 9 August, I provided 20 reasons why I appreciated Singapore, but unfortunately the last three were not included. So here are the missing ones: 18 National Service has instilled character, helped foster inter-racial bonding and national pride. 19 Strong and dedicated Prime Ministers and Cabinets since…
By Not Known Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is one of the most significant discoveries of the twentieth century. Our DNA comes from the combination of genes contributed by each of our biological parents. DNA is the “blueprint” of inherited genetic molecular material for our unique identities. Knowing your DNA is useful in solving paternity disputes, optimizing…
By Not Known “Position COMPROMISED! Abandon OP! Repeat…” Just moments after this warning urgently came through the secure radio channel an intelligence outpost (OP) came under heavy aerial bombardment. In the military, to compromise is dangerous. A critical compromise could disrupt a war-plan and cost many lives. “Be CAREFUL” is the key axiom. There are…
By Not Known As we continue our journey to grow as God works in our lives, we need to look into some areas to spur and “stir one another to love and good deeds.” I had the opportunity to visit a number of churches some years ago and as part of my preparations in teaching…
By Not Known On this National Day weekend, we praise and thank God for our nation’s 50th anniversary. Here are some reasons why my wife and I are grateful for Singapore. What are yours? 1 Clean, well-organised and efficient government, unafraid to implement beneficial policies; succession planning has ensured stability. 2 Generally safe society: law…
By Not Known The outdoor and the outback are every hiker’s playground. However, there are lurking dangers that one must be warned and beware of; snake bites is one of those. Knowing its danger and acquiring skills to handle it can prevent even a poisonous bite from becoming fatal. As long as we are on…
By Not Known Most of us feel guilty for not praying enough. In fact, one sure way to make someone avoid you is to ask, “How is your prayer life?” How is my prayer life? What do you mean? Why would you ask? Are you asking, how long I pray? Or, how often I pray? …