Pastoral Message (Page 35)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

When Physical Healing Is Not Meant to Be

By Not Known God cares not only for the spiritual but also the physical aspect of our life. He created our human body, and I believe he is pleased when we enjoy good health and vigour. However, on this side of life, there is no guarantee that we will always stay healthy. Nevertheless, God promises…

Worship God Alone

By Not Known A young pastor was being chastised once when he was praying for the sick that he was preaching a prosperity gospel.  He was shocked at how he had allowed that theology to sip into his life.  He has since learnt not to pray that when one seeks God fully and strive to…

A Call to Worship

By Not Known Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise… For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever… Psalm 100:4-5 If you’ve been attending ORPC regularly, you probably have noticed that after the Prelude and Entry of the Bible, we start our worship service with a Call to Worship. I…

“Citizens in Exile”

By Not Known As National Day approaches in Singapore on 9 August, Christians in this land should ask what does it mean to be living as citizens in exile? As citizens of a particular country, we have our rights and obligations. That means we are committed to the city and the land. Christian citizens should…

I Believe … In The Church

By Not Known Recently at church camp, the speaker mentioned about the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed of A.D. 381 in his discussion about the mission of the church, where it states, “I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.” Traditionally, these have come to be known as the Four Marks or Attributes of the Church. As…

Wait Upon The Lord

By Not Known But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold. Ps. 106:13 I am not a very patient person but I have learned to wait. In my Secondary school days, I once waited for my classmate for an hour. I was more worried about him…

The Blessedness of Being Known by God

By Not Known “But if anyone loves God, he is known by God,” (1 Cor. 8:3). What does it mean to be known by God? Since God is omniscient, what is so special about being known by God? To understand these words of the Apostle Paul, we have to turn to the Old Testament. God…

The Blessedness of Being Forgiven

By Not Known Psalm 32 is a song of the confession of sin composed by King David after he had been rebuked by the prophet Nathan for his adultery with Bathsheba and his murder of her husband, Uriah (2 Samuel 11). David tried to cover up his transgressions so that nobody knew about them. He…

Hear, O People of God!

By Not Known One of the biggest mistakes of the Pharisees was to follow religious performance to the detriment of spiritual relationship.  They thought that spirituality is all about something to do with what was written down by human beings.  In fact, they almost perfected that task-oriented impersonal religion.  It was their obsession to the…

This is Love

By Not Known As we commemorate Father’s Day today, and as we give thanks and remember our earthly fathers, at the same time I pray that we would reflect on our relationship with our Heavenly Father, particularly His great love for us. 1 John 4:10 tells us, “This is love: not that we loved God,…