Pastoral Message (Page 18)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

Going beyond the surface

It’s been about 18 years since I first stepped into this church. And it occursto me that the reason why I was initially comfortable in this church is thesame as one of the reasons why I left for a season. We don’t look out fornewcomers and jump on him/her trying to be welcoming. We don’t…

The Righteous Will Live by Faith

By Rev Dr Clive Chin As the Christian church around the world marks the 504th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, there is a desperate need to renew our commitment to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is at the heart of the Reformation, because it is the key to Jesus’ teaching: “‘The time…

A Royal Priesthood

By Dr Dominic Kuek During my time as a doctor, I quickly learnt that there’s no such thing as taking a break from my profession. I got used to the idea that, even on a day off, I could be asked to give medical advice when meeting friends, be expected to help if someone faints…

A Royal Priesthood

During my time as a doctor, I quickly learnt that there’s no such thing as taking a break from my profession. I got used to the idea that, even on a day off, I could be asked to give medical advice when meeting friends, be expected to help if someone faints in a mall, and…

Worship Is…

By Ps Tan Hui Ru One of John Piper’s more famous quotes is “Missions exist because worship doesn’t” — his point is that we proclaim God’s name to all nations so that God will be worshipped by all nations. But what is worship? And how would you explain to a non-Christian friend or family member…

Mission and Missions

By Pr Ho Wei Liang “Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’” (John 20:21) John Piper says that “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” Adapting his motto just a little, my lecturer in mission at Trinity Theological College would say, “Mission exists because worship doesn’t.” What’s…

Prioritising God’s Word

By Pr Herna Kong “And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 3:15). Do we read the Bible every day? Some of us may say, “I don’t have the time.” However, don’t we still make time for…

Speaking the Truth in Love

By Dr Dominic Kuek “So how are you going to apply the sermon today?” I remember being quite taken aback when the lady sitting next to me in church asked me that very question after service. Quite frankly, my mind had been preoccupied with lunch plans at that moment, and the thought of discussing the…

Building Gospel-Practicing Communities

By Rev Dr Edward Goh Channel News Asia recently reported that some teachers’ mental health is at an all-time low. An engagement survey shows thirty per cent of the MOE teachers are struggling to cope with the increased work stress brought about by the need to generate new lesson plans, online quizzes, and monitor the…