Pastoral Message (Page 14)

Each week one of the pastoral staff prepare a message for the congregation.

cut animals and unbreakable promises

There’s a question I’ve repeatedly asked myself: “Can God be trusted?” As a Christian, I know what the ‘right’ answer is. Yes, of course God can be trusted. But often it doesn’t feel that way. When I’m amidst painful trials and temptations, God’s promises can feel so far away and impossible. I’ll start to question:…

The most precious asset…

Investors scour the earth for assets to buy or trade. Their objective is to accumulate wealth so as to attain financial security, or gain status or power. In fact, the investment community has created all kinds of assets like cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens although some traditional asset classes like real property and equities still hold…

Ps Tan Hui Ru

whole-hearted discipleship

At our recent church retreat, our speaker Dr Ho Chiao Ek told us that discipleship is about people, not programmes. We were reminded that we are called to follow Jesus, to imitate him, and grow to become like him because we are now identified with him as a child of God (1 John 3:1-3). Part…

But subject to …

Fear and worry dominate many people’s lives. Some are concerned about their financial security, others worry about their children’s well-being and many worry about their health. And the list goes on …. For Christians, Joshua 1:1-9 addresses the issue of worrying in a welcoming manner. Verse 9 states, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong…

Pastor Herna

leaving our comfort zone

Who does not love comfort and convenience? For instance, we love an established career, a harmonious family, an established ministry, a comfortable life in a secure and stable country, and the good company of close friends. It must be hard when we have to leave behind all of these, especially to face an unknown situation…

Shared sacred space

During our previous Saturday’s Church Retreat, I was heartened to see representatives of our younger and older generations come together on a panel to give their views on Christian discipleship in our church. While we all honestly acknowledged that much more can be done in ORPC for intergenerational ministry, we must also understand that the…

What’s Wrong with the World Today?

“What’s wrong with the world today?” That was the question my Christian Union once posed to those on campus during Mission Week. The answers given were unsurprising, if not telling. They blamed inaccessible education, unequal rights, moral degradation, social injustice, poverty . . . . The list went on. If only we worked these things…

How Should I Respond!

If your superior were to give you a command to carry out a task that soundedfar-fetched, incredulous, and would subject you to social ridicule andderision, what would you do? Would you carry out the task?Well, this was the situation that Noah found himself in when he wascommanded by God to build the ark in a…

Determining to Grow

As a school teacher in the past, June and December have always been important to me as times of rest and reflection. They served as fallow periods, as time for me to consider where I’ve been, what I’ve been doing, as well as to pray and consider where God is calling me to grow in next.